If you’ve just received a quote on the car you’re looking to sell, you might not be sure how to feel. Is this quote actually fair, or are you being lowballed? If your car knowledge is lacking, you might feel especially lost in this situation. How do you ensure that the offer you accept is actually fair? Even if you’re not experienced with appraising and selling vehicles, it’s still possible to get a good idea of how much your car is worth. That way, you’ll have confidence that the quote you receive is actually fair.
If you’re ever skeptical of a quote, don’t just take the appraiser’s word for it. Sometimes, the quote that you’re unsure about might truly be lower than is fair. That being said, what steps can car owners actually take in order to ensure that the quote they receive is fair?
Here are a few simple steps you can take to give yourself a clearer idea of your car’s value.
Get Your Car Assessed By a Mechanic
If you’re unsure of your vehicle’s condition, it’s going to be difficult to determine its value. Whenever you’re trying to determine the value of your car, a mechanic can provide valuable input—including whether or not there’s any damage, or if your car is in need of any serious repairs. All of these factors will be reflected in the value of your vehicle, and they’ll be necessary to help you determine whether or not a quote is fair.
If you have a pre-sale inspection performed on your car, the mechanic will take a close look under the hood and everywhere else. If there are any issues with your engine, those can be discovered. Or, maybe you have a broken taillight that you were completely unaware of. Smaller issues like this will also be uncovered, providing you with a well-rounded idea of your vehicle’s condition.

Take Advantage of Valuation Tools
There are a variety of free, easy-to-access valuation tools available on the internet. For instance, the Kelly Blue Book site offers several tools, which are free for use on their site. If used correctly, these things can provide you with an accurate estimate of your vehicle’s value.
Take a Look at Local Listings
If you’re trying to gauge the value of your car, one of the best methods is to look through local listings. Take a closer look at your local car-selling community, and seek out vehicles that are similar to your own. If you can find a car that’s the same make and model as yours, as well as in a similar condition, this will provide you with a clearer idea of a realistic selling price.
Factors That Lead to a Higher Quote
If any of the following variables apply to your car, then it’s reasonable to expect a higher valuation and quote. You can expect more money if:
- Your car is under an extended warranty (just ensure that this warranty is transferable, first).
- You’ve kept up to date with maintenance on your vehicle
- You’ve recently replaced the tires or brakes on your car.
Any of these factors will positively impact the quote you receive on your vehicle.
Factors That Lead to a Lower Quote
On the other hand, there are a few conditions that can bring down the value of your vehicle, even compared to similar cars on the market. Your quote could be negatively impacted if:
- Your car is in need of maintenance services—for instance, it might require a major scheduled service, such as tire or brake replacement.
- You’ve recently been in any car accidents, whether major or minor, that have led to damage to your vehicle.
Tips to Receiving a Higher Quote on Your Vehicle
If you’re searching for quick and easy ways to improve the value of your car, there are a few places you can start.
You can easily improve the condition of your vehicle (and thus receive a higher quote) through vacuuming and cleaning a car’s interior. You should remove any floor mats in your car, as well as shift the front seats as far forward as they can go, and then reverse. This can help ensure that you get anything that was hiding beneath the seats, even if you were unaware that it was there.
If you encounter a carpet stain that the vacuum is unable to take care of, use carpet cleaner on each of these spots and a damp sponge to blot them away (make sure not to rub them in, spreading the stains further). Repeat this process as many times as you need, until the stain is completely gone.
CarVIO Provides Fair Quotes on Used Cars
If you’re looking to receive a quote on your vehicle, you can always turn to CarVIO. We’ll swiftly get back to you with an offer, reflective of your vehicle’s actual value—even if your vehicle is damaged. To get started, get in touch with CarVIO by calling (760) 314-8786.